Adventures of a Psychic: A Fascinating and Inspiring True-Life Story of One of America's Most Successful Clairvoyants
Adventures Of A Psychic
Adventures of a Psychic might not be the next Indiana Jones sequel, but the "adventures" in the title is appropriate, since Sylvia Browne never stops amazing us with her channeling, psychic visions, healing, and even ghost stories. Coauthor Antoinette May's biographical talents are first rate, however her third person point of view tends to distance the reader from Browne's story. May compensates for this minor shortcoming by expertly weaving Browne's psychic talents with her personal life, from childhood to grandmotherhood, and grounding the supernatural parts of Adventures of a Psychic in the same sort of mundane problems we are all prone to run into. While reading this book, you may stare with an open mouth at glimpses of a world beyond death, and at the same time discover that we all possess a limitless potential, even if we are not gifted with psychic ability. --Brian Patterson